Chant it with us: “JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY!”

Tabloid talk shows were one of the most quintessential 90s transmissions to travel the airwaves. During the talk show decade, thousands of people from all walks of life claimed their time in the spotlight and aired their dirty laundry on TV for millions to see. From paternity reveals to chair-throwing to “my parents think I’m a freak but I look cool” goths, these shows were nothing short of spectacular.

Join me and my dear friend and fellow podcaster Derric as we explore the shows that defined our stay-home-sick-from-school days: Montel, Ricki, Rosie, Sally, Jenny, Maury, and of course – Jerry. And don’t forget that one time that Maury compared his “you are not the father” shows to Shakespeare. Really.

“A paternity [reveal] show has the classic Shakespearean themes. There is love. There is lust. There is betrayal. There is conflict.” – Maury Povich

Follow Derric and his NEW podcast, the 3AM Mystery Club, at @derricdalton and @3amclubpod!

CW/TW: Very brief mentions of discrimination and violence toward LGBTQI+.


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